Thursday, July 7, 2011
It's s Boy!!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hello 2010!!!
MamaBell, the train video is for you. =) Jesse loves it! Thank you!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Happy Holloween...I mean Birthday!!!!
Jesse had a cute little costume that he wore for the day, and we made fresh-squeezed orange juice from their orange tree.
Happy Birthday, Papa Bell! It was so much fun visiting you!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Two months
The only other big news to report is the demolition and reconstruction of our fence on the south side of our house.
Nate (Stephen's brother) and Randy (Stephen's good friend) came down last weekend to help Stephen with this project.
They moved the fence forward to the front corner of our house, which opened up the usable back yard space considerably. They also destroyed the two raised planters in the back yard, haled away the dirt,
and took down a 30 foot flag pole in the front yard.
All in 1 1/2 days!!!!! Thank you so much for all your work, guys! We could not have done it alone. Thank you also to my mom and Lindsey ( Randy's wife) for coming and helping me feed the guys, watch the kids, and keep me company over the weekend. it was so much fun.
I look forward to work weekends with this crew in the fut