I just had to brag about my little brother real quickly. I know, I have posted nothing about Thanksgiving, or anything in a little while, but I have to post this now...updates later. My little brother, Johnny, is visiting for the week. I am suppose to be helping him with his last week of schoolwork before his Christmas vacation (my mom took a seasonal job that started this week, so she needed someone to help Johnny). But he has wound up being more help to me than I am to him...at least that's what I think. He gets along with Jesse so well...they love playing together, and Johnny will often entertain Jesse while I cook dinner, TAKE A SHOWER, or whatever. Just yesterday, we were helping decorate a ladies house for Christmas, and Johnny played with Jesse almost half of the time, which freed me up to be more helpful. And (this is the cute one) just today, I asked Johnny to watch Jesse while I took a shower, and when I came out, there they were, sitting in the rocking chair, Jesse asleep in Johnny's arms! It was so cute! I am really going to miss Johnny when he goes home on Friday.