Saturday, February 23, 2008

The BIG day

We had a baby!!!
Jesse Stephen Isbell was born on
Wednesday, Feb. 20th at 1:03p.m.
Weight: 7lb. 5oz.
Length: 19 inches
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Blue (for now)
He is Absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!!

I went into labor at about 1:30am,
checked into the hospitol at about 7:30am,
and Jesse was born 5 1/2 hours later. It went muchfaster than I could have hoped.
And just look at the beautiful result!


Cruella DeVille said...

Congratulations - we are so thrilled for you all! We can hardly wait to see Jesse in person!Praise God for healthy baby, healthy mama and all gone well -
that quiver is looking pretty good!
The Sheltons

Emy said...