Well, we made it through Jesse's first Christmas! It was quite a ride. We got to see both sides of the family, which was very nice. We stayed with Stephen's parents on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and then went up to my side of the family for the rest of the weekend. Jesse was spoiled rotten (of course) but really enjoyed it, and did much better this time with being friendly to the relatives.

After about one day, he would actually let them hold him. =) Thank you to our families for a great Christmas!

For New Years, we went to a party that a family from Church was throwing at their house. They have a big house, with rooms for the babies to sleep in, so Jesse went to sleep in one of their cribs around 9:00, and Stephen and I stayed up playing games with all the other families until midnight. It was so much fun! Then at midnight, we had a short devotion, and then went around saying something we are thankful for this year. We are very thankful for our little Jesse, for our marriage, and for our
new little one that we just found out about! Yes, we are expecting! The new one should be on the scene some time in August. We are very excited, and thank God for His showers of blessings.

As you can imagine, we are even more serious now about finding a house, and we have decided to get over our biases and look in the much more affordable city of Temecula...rather than Oceanside. We have already found many houses that are very affordable, and are what we are looking for, and we are making offers. Hopefully we will have some successful news about that soon. Please pray for us about this.

Merry Christmas to all of you again, and God's blessings for the New Year!
Jesse is getting sooooo BIG!!!!! He's a little a person now! :)
congrats on the new baby! and the new house hopefully soon:) so many exciting things happening for you guys this year:)
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