Well, here is my once a month update. =) I can't believe it's been so long since I posted last! Time flies when you're having fun! So much has been going on, it seems that life just gets more and more busy. March has found us in the middle of many a project to fix our new house up. Stephen's baby is the cluster of 20' high palm trees in our front yard. He loves trimming them, and making them look better. I keep telling him he has done all he can to them for now, but he keeps looking for more to do. =) We have also been enjoying pulling weeds, and trying to de-weed the lawns.

My baby is, of course, decorating the inside of the house. I will have some project or other to keep me busy for a long time to come, I think. But it's so fun. Most recently, my mom came down and we decorated the kids bathroom "Rubber Ducky" style. It came out really cute!
As for our little Jesse, he is discovering new games and amusements all the time, from throwing things down the stairs,

to hiding in his closet,

to turning on the radio in the car, to coloring on the sidewalks and on some chalk boards with chalk. He can almost run now, chatters up a storm, and has a Jesse form of sign-language that I have taught him to communicate with. He is very quick to pick up any form of communication. He also understands much of what we say, and can follow simple instructions, such as "Get your blankie," "Throw ___ in the trash," and "Let's feed the turtle!"

He is also more interested in books, especially those with simple, recognizable pictures. Jesse is such a joy to mother.
Oh, the latest update about baby #2 is that we are having a girl! Of course, there is always that chance that the dr. is wrong, but it's been my gut feeling that we would be having a girl the entire pregnancy. So, we are all very excited. If anyone has any good suggestions for a name, I'm considering all. =)
1 comment:
I know you can't honor grandparents all of the time, but our Grandma Isbell's name was Bonnie Lee. As I've got the Bonnie, I would suggest "Lee" as a middle name. :)
Anna Jo
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